Gollé Goulu


Saint-Côme, Québec


BG Plante BG Plante

Gollé Goulu

Le Gollé Goulu offers a unique peasant camping experience. On either side of a small valley located between two mountains, also known as “gollé”, rustic camping areas and lodges have been set up to accommodate couples, families and friends. An old farmland, alongside this gollé, is getting a makeover to become the pantry of greedy campers concerned about the environment. Gollé is the shelter that the forest provides and Goulu is this forest that extends into a forest orchard and vegetable garden to sustainably nourish the living. Le Gollé Goulu: the place to walk, harvest, eat, contemplate and sleep!


Saint-Côme, Québec

Our testimonials

star rating  Transport et billets de ski à un très bon prix. Service courtois merci à notre chofeure qui nou as conquis. Je vais retourner assurément au nombreuses activit

Yan Forgues
1 March 2020

star rating  Transport et billets de ski à un très bon prix. Service courtois merci à notre chofeure qui nou as conquis. Je vais retourner assurément au nombreuses activités offert

13 March 2020

star rating  Nous allons définitivement revenir au Gollé Goulu. Nous avons pu quitter la frénésie de la grande ville. Nous avons profiter du plein air, du silence et de la simplicité du... read more

19 February 2021

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